NIPT in twin and multiple pregnancies
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Sonoanatomy of the Suboccipital Region With Emphasis on Occipital Nerves Entrapments with Dr. Phillip Steele, MD, CAQ, RMSK.
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Establishing Advanced Ultrasound in a Private Practice with Ronald Hidalgo, MD.
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Sonography of the Posterier Neck with Phillip M. Steele, MD, RMSK, CAQ.
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How and Why to Incorporate the Three-vessel Views Into Fetal Cardiac Screening with Matthew Janssen, MD, Nadav Schwartz and MD,Christina Werth, BS, MHA, RDMS, RDCS.
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HeartAssist™: Bringing Artificial Intelligence to the World of Obstetrical Scanning with Dr. Martin R. Chavez, MD, FACOG
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Imaging the Cervix to Prevent Preterm Birth with Dr. Martin Chavez (USA) and Prof. Phillip Bennett (UK)
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Skillful Sonography for Evaluating Fertility, with Hysteroscopic Correlations with J. Parston Parry, MD, MPH
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Sonography Exam for Scapular Dyskinesis with Phillip Steele, MD, RMSK
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Ultrasound of Cystic Ovarian Disease: Neoplastic & Non-neoplastic with Daniel J. Kowal, MD
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